Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The most wonderful time of the year...for our family!!

Now that Jaren and I have told everyone in our immediate familes, I figured I would write a blog about our big news!! We went to the doctor to see why I just kept getting sick and finally got an explanation! We are expecting a baby around June 1, 2010!! That is with us just going by what we are guessing. We haven't been in to see a doctor yet - our insurance doesn't kick in for a few weeks. So luckily it gives me more time to pick a good doctor/midwife, but I'm also impatient and want to see the heartbeat and our baby blob!! (baby blob because that's what all early ultrasounds look like lol).

So we found out on October 1 at the doctor - we were checking my thyroid and instead found out this wonderful fact! I was about 5 weeks 2 days then. So here are my "belly bump" pictures so far - or as I call them, my "bloated bump".

Here they are:

5 weeks, 4 days pregnant!

6 weeks pregnant - the most bloated so far!

Today - Me at 7 weeks pregnant - I can finally fit into jeans again!!! I'm hardly bloated at all today - YAY!!

Now I don't mind getting bigger, mainly because I've been exercising to try to get better, and then after finding out, more exercise to stay in shape. So I don't mind getting bigger with a baby belly, but I hate bloating!!! Plus this week my Morning sickness, which for me is mostly at night 11 pm to about 9 am, and it's gotten much worse this week :(

We are very excited about being parents and I'm excited that it will work with school and everything!

On Sunday we told my dad in the morning, before we went to church with him. We brought a jar of prego sauce and told him we had a present for him, which I then held in front of my belly. He was very excited for us! It was also very sad, because my mom is not here to physically share in our joy, but I know that she handpicked our baby for us!! My one fear with being pregnant is that my mom is not here to help me through it...

Sunday on the way home, I called everyone and let everyone know, except my oldest brother who wasn't available, we told him last night!

Last night Jaren and I went over to his parents and made spaghetti for them and did the prego thing too. Then we called around and told everyone else too! It was a ton of fun. I was so tired by the end of the night.

There's so much to write, and oh surprise, I'm already tired!!

So this is my we're Prego post!!


D-lyn said...

If you need anything let me know. I had evening sickness too. Never let your tummy get too empty that seemed to help and Pepcid AC chewables for heartburn acid...
Good luck you have lots of sisters and sisters in-law to cheer you on and be there for you. It's not the same as your mom but I am sure she is right there next to you more than we know.

Crystal Noelle said...

Thanks bunches!!