Saturday, November 7, 2009

Tears :(

So I hadn't had too bad of morning sickness before, just a ton of nausea, which I can handle. Well last week I went to Aurora to hang out with dad and I had a migraine. We were watching a movie and then I felt like I was going to puke. Well I ran to the bathroom and got everything out and amazingly felt better!! Then today Jaren and I were both down there and we'd just got from the Temple with dad. I woke up late and didn't get to eat. Then I took my prenatal vitamin and started gagging, which I do when I take pills. Well this time I wasn't lucky enough to make it to the bathroom and I puked on dad's hall floor - I'm just glad that it's hardwood and not carpet!!

But after that we went to Red Lobster for lunch and I ate crab legs. YUM!! Of course I also have a cold, so now I feel sick again :( Only 5 more hours until Jaren gets home from work!!

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