Ok so I was going crazy over the whole apartment thing, luc
kily though Jaren was very persistent in talking to people and we have
had some interest in someone taking my
t in the apartment! YAY!
Less stress for me!
And then yesterday Jaren and I spent almost the
whole day talking about when we want the wedding and I'll just leave it at that. lol. :p
After talking so long, I feel so much better! I'm really really excit
ed to mo
ve back up to Fort Collins. I miss it so much!
Ok so I'm
watching the tv as I write this and I just saw a new Burger King commercial. It was a mom trying to get her daughter to eat an apple, but her daughter wouldn't until the Burger King Guy came in with apple slices shaped as fries. It made me
very sad to see that - I mean if the only way kids will eat fruit now is to shape it to look like fries, that is not good.
Also, I babysit every Monday night, and some Wednesdays, and I alm
ost pulled my hair out last night! Before I left for Italy, we had
finally gotten into a good routine. The kids were finally saying please and thank you and we were getting used to how things
were working. Well I was gone for two weeks and yesterday when I c
ame back they were not very good. The 4 year old girl was very sassy and crying over nothing, she was tired and not u
sed to not getting whatever she wanted. The 2 year old boy was actually ok, the only thing he did wrong was throw grass at a neighbor kid. Overall it
wasn't horrible, I just was sad because we had gotten into a good routine and now we have
to almost start all over again! lol. I love them though!!!!
So today should be a good day and I'm excited! I get to help my mommy make dinner for the missionaries and that will be fun. I LOVE to cook! We are cooking an Italian dish, and it makes me miss Italy so much! I'm hoping that I can go back with Jaren next summer!
Ok and maybe a few more pictures from Italy! He he...