Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ready for a break!

The cycle of life continues with working on school and home tasks and trying to teach my wonderful toddler about life. Stress comes in and out of my life several times a day and sometimes it really just stinks; one stress-free day would be fabulous!

Jaren and I are halfway done with this semester and I couldn't be happier with that knowledge. I will be graduating in the Spring and that makes me even happier! I really just want to be able to spend time with my son and not have to deal with school deadlines. I'd love to have more energy to go out and do things at the library and around town, just for fun. But for now, I am a student/Stay at home mom.

The joy that has been brought into my life recently is being crafty! Jaren and I have made a few Halloween decorations recently and we had a ton of fun. I am also currently working on our Halloween costumes and I am so excited :) Once I'm done I will be posting the pictures.

I am ready for a break and some 'me' time. I've been so unorganized lately and I need a refresher. Does it have something to do with trying to give up drinking pop and eating sugar? Probably. My body got way too used to that artificial stuff and now it's rebelling against me. Sticking it out will help me more than me "Where is my sugar" self thinks. Well, I hope everyone stays well with the weather changing!

Ta ta for now!

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