Friday, September 16, 2011

Cool Discovery

Today I discovered Picasa and I created the new Header for the blog.

Now for the name change. Every time I hear my last name, of course I think of already and I like the idea of us already being 'here'. I know that sometimes I think "Oh I can't wait for the next part of our lives when things are easier", etc. You have to think that we are here now and we need to enjoy our lives as they happen and not look only to the future for happiness. Happiness is here and now and We're Allredy There!

We are now 4 weeks into school, so about a fourth of the way done. I have not missed a single class because I have not been sick at all (I am willing myself to stay healthy and hope that I'm not jinxing it!) School seems to be going well for both of us. I have 2 on campus classes and two institute classes; Jaren has 4 campus classes and one institute class.

Jaren has moved from the Bakery dept. to the Deli - his pay is raised by almost $2 an hour! He also has found another part time job that uses him when they need him; it is a custom door place where is actually using his skills for the profession that he is wanting to do.

I am busy keeping up with the house and Devlin, who is learning so fast. Devlin is 15 months now and loves to talk, run, jump, terrorize the cats and play with the dog! I love him so much and I'm so proud to be his mother.

I'm excited for life right now and I love the feeling of change that fall is bringing.

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