Wednesday, February 17, 2010

24 Weeks - 6 months!!

So I made it to 24 weeks, baby could be born and has a greater chance of survival, in a NICU of course, than before. Is it normal to be having dreams of what we'd do if the baby did come early? I do have a plan for just in case. My dad works in the NICU down in Denver, so of course we'd take the baby down there because they send them there anyway before 36 weeks. And we'd still have time to get a nursery in order, because the baby would be in the NICU. So it's good to have a plan in mind, even if it's not an elaborate one, rather than to just worry and not have any idea of what to do.

Not sure if any of that made sense, but please bear with me as I am very sick today. I spent half the night up and coughing my lungs out and having trouble breathing and a severely dry throat too. Weird combo in my opinion and the more water I drink the more my throat feels more dry. Weird... But I'm not dehydrated at least!!

It's funny how when you are sick, you want everything clean but you don't have the energy to do it. Also, I've been so kind as to pass it on to Jaren too so we are having to take care of each other right now... At least I had enough energy to strip the bed and put the sheets in to wash and get new ones on and maybe later I'll feel up to lysoling the house or something like that.

I guess to me I don't really look 6 months pregnant. I think I look pregnant, but not 6 months. And I keep getting told that I don't look pregnant at all (I'm guessing they just think I'm getting fat lol)...

But the scariest part for me is that I haven't gained any weight still. I got scared half to death today when I stepped on the scale and it said I'd lost 5 pounds! But tried it again (not on and I was where I normally am. But then I do have to think about it in this way. I have been working out and I did lose 10 pounds early on, so I guess you could say I've gained 8-10 back? If I look at it that way, I don't feel as bad. But I have my next appointment next Tuesday and I'm still the weight I was at my last appointment. I guess as long as the baby is the size the baby should be, then I shouldn't worry :)

So here is my picture. And I'm thinking my mirror lies to me. LOL.

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