Thursday, February 11, 2010

23 Week Update

So school has started and things have been hectic, but luckily manageable. I'm taking 12 credits in school, and working about 15 hours a week. Jaren is also in school taking 14 credits and working about 30 - 35 hours a week. Plus we are taking an institute class together 2 days a week. It's so much fun being able to do that together. We usually get to spend a few hours in the morning together in between classes on MWF and then 2 hours (w/ institute class included) on TTH. So we at least get some time together, especially since I work until 5 and Jaren works from 4 to 10!

Anyway, fun news! Yesterday I was 23 weeks and last night was the first time that I have been able to feel the baby from the outside!! ANnNnND Jaren felt the baby more than he ever has before. Baby was very active last night! It was very exciting for us :)

So now on to the picture of me...

I've been kinda sad that I don't have a big belly yet and people keep telling me that I don't even look pregnant, so before I took my picture, I made sure to eat lots of rice LOL. I look big! Then of course today I wore cute clothes and my bump was gone :'( It's actually really funny. I'm still trying to gain weight, and it's not working out too well for me. Still negative my pre-pregnancy weight, but at least the doctors said the baby is the right size and everything is fine. So we'll see when I'll start to gain.

So here are my pictures from last night :)

1 comment:

Daphne said...

what are you talking look pregnant to me!!! :)