Wednesday, February 8, 2012

An update to our lives

I have been pretty bad at keeping up with my blog, but I feel like it's ok since I'm in school full time with 22 credits and a thesis, I'm a mom of a very active toddler, I'm 22 weeks pregnant with a very active baby (this baby can move!), and I'm a wife. But I feel the need to update.

My first pregnancy was easy; hardly any morning sickness, not many aches and pains, etc. The labor and delivery on the other hand was pretty rough. We also ended up with a very easy baby, who slept through the night very early on. We were especially lucky with Jaren and I both in school, it was wonderful to have things work out so well.

This pregnancy is completely different. So much morning sickness in first trimester and nausea every day, even now. I also am so tired, at my appointment yesterday the doctor must have said 4 times "wow you look really tired". I do agree that the bags under my eyes are becoming more prominent, but I'm still holding out for the 2nd trimester boost of energy that I got last time *crosses fingers*. I am not sleeping well at all. I think I wake up an average of 6 times every night and lately Jaren's 'sinus issue' snoring hasn't helped either (he usually doesn't snore)!

I also can't take naps, even when Dev is napping. There must be some sort of chemical that emits out to our dog when I put him down for a nap and try to lay down to take a nap myself. As soon as I am comfortable or barely asleep, she starts barking hysterically like someone is trying to break in or something. There is never anyone there. UGH. Now not being able to nap wouldn't be so bad, except for the fact that I am doing 22 credits in school and need energy to get through everyday.

I know I'm ranting, but that is my update for my pregnancy issues. I've also had some semi-concerning contractions already, but the doctor thinks it's nothing. Baby is doing great and measuring right on track. My uterus is measuring ahead by a couple of weeks, but no extra fluid or anything concerning, so I just look bigger :) I will have to upload my ultrasound pictures when I get the chance, they are awesome. And again, we are "team green" and did not find out the gender. I was so tempted to this time though...

Devlin is doing great, he is growing up so fast and will be 20 months old in a few days! Jaren is busy with school and work and trying to keep up with the frustrations that those both entail. School for him is not so bad, but work has been terrible lately. They keep changing his schedule on him with little or no notice, and they also keep scheduling him while he's in class, and on days he's said he needs off. He needs a new job, but has no time to search. We're weighing the options of what to do in that area.

Well, I think that's all my brain is allowing for right now. Time to rest before class!

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