Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Time Marches On

For Pioneer Day I made a Rocky Road cake that didn't quite work out because it was so hot and the Stake activity was outside. Jaren said it was good, but not to my standards lol!

I decided to chop my hair off to donate to Locks of Love!! I love it!

Devlin's new favorite thing is to go to the park and swing! He laughs so much and doesn't like to leave.

Jaren and I started a thing called The Fat Flush last week and we've been on it for 5 days. I've lost 3-4 pounds so far and a little over an inch on my waist. I can fit back into clothes that I haven't worn since last year!! I'm so excited, but I realize that I have an addiction to sugar. After I cut it out, I find that I crave it ALL THE TIME! I've given in a couple times, but only a little bit because I want to keep losing weight! Also, along with the new sensible diet, I've been running 2 miles every day and doing Pilates. I have so much more energy now. I've been on a weight loss plateau for about 6-7 months and it's sucked so much, so I'm glad that I'm seeing results finally.

Well, life goes on and I'm trying to get our house organized. I want to put a path in and I'm looking around to find cheap sod to put in. It's fun to research prices and put together a wish list!

Also, I'm almost finished with my Mom's inventory and that is exciting!

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