Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dirty Dancing Remake? Please Don't

I just read that they are planning a remake in 2013 of Dirty Dancing... Here is the link:


Dirty Dancing is one of my favorite movies ever. It is my go to movie when I want to smile, cry, laugh, etc. I really can't believe they are planning this, especially since it was only made in 1987, a mere 24 years ago! (It reminds me of them remaking Spiderman after only 10 years - stupid move) Why not remake Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, or something else in black & white that kids don't want to watch because it's "old"?


I really don't think that they should do this, Dirty Dancing 2 was bad enough (the movie was ok, but I really don't like sequels) Personally, I think it's an insult to Patrick Swazye's memory to do a remake this soon. I know others may not agree with that, but it's my opinion.

Also, is it really going to be able to do justice to the original? Just think about it. How many remake's do the original justice?

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