Monday, May 4, 2009

Yummy Dinner

So yesterday after getting home from the hospital, I felt strangely weird and just wanted to cook, so I did! I made so yummy chicken parmesan. We didn't have any bread crumbs, so Jaren said to use corn flakes. It was so good! Also, I made a salad with yummy artichokes. And we had papaya. Then after dinner I decided to make fried bread and regular baked bread! SO good! Maybe it tasted so good because I've been sick and not been eating much! LOL.

1 comment:

Annie Carie said...

WOW way to go with the fabulous meal after such an awful hospital visit!

Hope things get better for you, does your regular Doc have a plan, unlike the ER docs?

We are still praying for your mama.
take care.