Friday, April 3, 2009

House Hunting

Jaren and I found the perfect little one bedroom house to rent, so close to CSU and we were sure that we were going to go for it.  But for some reason, we could not fill out the rental application and turn it in.  We kept saying that we were going to, but we just didn't.  I couldn't understand what was stopping BOTH of us from just sitting down and doing it, because it's really easy to fill out.  I kept having dreams about a big house that I could tell that I absolutely loved in my dream.  Well I decided to look on Craigslist again to see if anything new in the rental area was up.  Instead I went to the houses for sale and found an amazing 3 bedroom/ 1 bath for $189,000.  Plus it's only two blocks further from CSU, which is nothing.  So today at 9, we are going to call and get our foot in and we are also going over to the bank to apply for a loan, because rent for the 1 bedroom was going to be $650, with utilities on top of that, and it was smaller than our 1 bedroom for $595!!!  If we get the loan that I would like to get, it will be a monthly payment of $350 at least to $700 at most!  

We feel really good about it and are praying that things work out, because I am really ready for something big and good to happen.  I'm kind of really sick of having all these bad/frustrating things happen lately!  

I know that life is hard, but lately things have been kind of snowballing downhill and I'm ready to climb back up again.  School is going ok, just trying to play catch up in classes from being sick with the mold poisoning.  

I love life and how funny it can, in everything bad that's been happening, I've been finding the good and going off of that.  That way, I won't get depressed!!  

1 comment:

Annie Carie said...

Awesome find! I'll add that to the prayers also. Heres hoping it all works out for you guys :)