Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy (late) Thanksgiving!

I absolutely love this time of year!  We are often reminded to be grateful for the things we have, but November is the month that we can devote our thinking to everything that we are thankful for.  I am so happy to be able to reflect on my life and see how much I have.  It definitely can change your perspective on life, I know it has for me.

This Thanksgiving was different, the 4th one since my Mom passed away.  I still cried from missing her so much.  I had a couple of experiences that helped me not miss her so much, and those were so sweet.

I am so grateful for my little family.  My husband is amazingly sweet, he always looks for ways to help make things easier for me around this time of year.  He is loving, gentle, an amazing father.  I love him so much.  My children are great blessings in my life.  Devlin is growing into such a sweet, and strong little boy.  He is polite and funny, he is a joy in our lives.  Kade is such a sweet spirit, there is so much personality in his little body.  He is wanting to be a big boy, he is a joy in our lives as well.

I am filled with love toward my little family.  We all love each other and have fun with each other.  Devlin is a wonderful big brother and Kade adores his big brother.  I love watching them and seeing how they interact with each other.  Even with each frustration, love can be seen.  I am blessed because of that.

I love my little family and I am grateful for everything that I have in my life, that The Lord has blessed me with.  And from my family to yours, Happy (late) Thanksgiving!

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