Friday, June 15, 2012

Updates to life

Here's an update for what's going on right now:

First off, prayers and good thoughts are very much appreciated right now!!

I have been having contractions for 5 weeks now and it sucks.  There have been a couple times where they got so regular and bad that I thought that it was time.  The last time I went in they were as bad as when I was in labor with Devlin.  Each time after a few hours, they would just stop.  One time it was over 9 hours!  It was not cool at all.  So with all of these contractions I figured I would have the baby early or at least somewhat on time.   Now my due date has come and gone and it's hard to do much of anything physically and I won't even get started on the emotional aspect of it.

I have been having high blood pressure issues now too.  At my appointment they took it over the course of an hour or so it remained high, so the doctor scheduled an induction.  I go in Sunday morning at 7:30 am to be induced.  I am glad that they are going to do what needs to be done to not risk more high blood pressure problems.

I want to be able to go into labor naturally, so prayers for that please!

I have to say that I really do not want to be induced.  I know of the complications that can occur with an induction and they terrify me.  Of course complications can happen at any time during any type of birth, but there really is higher risk with interventions.  I want to have a med-free birth and I know the chances of that go down greatly with being induced (but it can be done).  Also, I don't want a c-section to be an end result to my induction.

A big reason why I am so anxious is that Jaren just got his internship in Denver and starts a week from Monday (on the 25th).  I wanted more time with the family before we are split apart for 6 months!  Jaren will be living close to the Denver area and coming home on weekends to spend time with us.  I'm nervous about having two kids by myself (ok more like terrified!)  It will be hard but I know that everything will be ok and the sacrifice will be worth it.

So there it is.  Hopefully my next update will be one about a new addition to our family!

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