These pictures are all from 39 Weeks - Two different dresses because my sister wanted a picture of me in the red dress :)
Here is my 40 Week picture! Can you tell that I've been in labor for a bit ;)
So my Due Date of June 9th was yesterday, which also happened to be Jaren's 24th birthday! I was not able to give him a birthday baby, but I have been in labor since about 6 pm Tuesday night, so it was cool that I was actually in labor that close to my due date. I had my dr. appointment yesterday afternoon and I went from being closed up to 2 cm! As you can see in my picture, the baby has dropped a lot lower, and I was expecting the pressure to be painful, but surprisingly I'm kind of enjoying the pain. It's such an exciting experience!
Looking back on my pregnancy, I see so much that I have to be thankful for. My pregnancy was quite easy until the last few weeks. I never had horrible morning sickness, I was able to be active the entire time, even now, but did stop riding my bike at 30 weeks. I did have a bike accident and ended up in the hospital, with no problems though. I have been in the hospital a bit, but luckily it was never anything. When I think of all the things that could have gone wrong, I am just so blessed that nothing has.
The last few weeks I have had high blood pressure, swelling, migraines, vision problems, and of course the usual aches and pains, but I keep telling myself that it could be worse :) The same thing goes with every contraction. Whenever I start to think one is hurting horribly and that I can't do it, I remind myself that it will probably get worse and that I am strong and can do this.
I love my husband so much and I am so grateful for how much he has put up with my mood swings, cravings, and overall craziness :) I love seeing how excited he is to have this baby, it makes me smile to know that he loves me and our baby so much!!
So now here I am sitting on a mattress in our living room, watching a movie, writing this blog post, and contracting every few minutes. I haven't been timing them and I probably should again lol. They keep getting stronger and I'm excited. I have my next appointment tomorrow and if nothing happens before then, then we are going to be inducing (since my blood pressure was still high yesterday). It is so exciting to know that I will have a baby before this weekend is over!!
So this is it for now, I'm going to go back to relaxing and resting up for this exciting adventure!!
PS The next time I post, I will have a baby!!
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