Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wow am I really 7 months along?

This week I am 28 weeks, 7 months pregnant. Only about 85 days until my due date, and I have been having a rush of emotions. Excited, scared, nervous, ecstatic, mellow, etc. You name it, I've probably felt it today :)

Our baby is being a real stinker lately, and only moving when no one is watching, including me!!! I feel them, but not catching them in time lol. Today though the baby was moving and I caught it, and then grabbed my phone to video it and then...nothing!!!! Grrr, luckily soon the baby won't be able to hide anymore!

Nightmares. Wow. The last few nights I've been having horrible nightmares or various sorts and last nights was so real I woke up freaking out. The dream was that I was going into pre term labor, and when I woke up I seriously thought I was for a minute, and then realized it was just a dream :)

I was told multiple times on Sunday that I didn't look 7 months pregnant, but more like 5 or 6, what do you all think?

Ok, ok, here's a better picture for you all to get a sense of my growing bump :D

Things seem to be going ok, having a lot of Practice Contractions (aka Braxton Hicks, but I think it's weird calling them that, I mean where did that name come from anyway? It's weird to me...) The other night I had 8+ in an hour, but after a blessing and rest, I was fine.

At least I can still kind of touch my toes, and squish the baby...oops!!

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