Monday, July 21, 2008

And the stress begins...

So in May/June, I was offered an apartment to live in, which was awesome because it's a 3 bedroom apartment for $250 a person/month.  And since it's about a 15 minute walk from campus, it's not bad at all.  So I decided to ask Jaren whether or not I should go for it, since we'd been talking about marriage.  He said not to, but then after a week or so, he told me to sign the lease.  Well now I have a problem...I'm not officially stuck in my year long lease, but once I pay, then I am.  So I talked things over with my parents and they brought up a brilliant idea.  They said that we should find someone now to replace me, before I owe money for the apartment, and then find an apartment where Jaren and I would like to live after we're married.  So I told Jaren this and we are now both frantically searching for someone to take my place with the apartment.  I feel really bad because Jaren is having to do most of the work, because he's actually in Fort Collins, and I'm in Aurora still.  

I know everything will work out, but figuring out details is much harder when you are not around each other in person!  Also trying to decide on a date is hard, because we are trying to cater to everyone's wants and needs, but at the same time we both feel that we need to do what is best and easiest for us.  Dates are being thrown around left and right, but I'll let everyone know when we know!

1 comment:

Lorajean said...

I remember our engagement to be full of stress and too much planning.. Good Luck!